
Thursday, February 04, 2010

You Say He Saw His Shadow!?

You Say He Saw His Shadow!?
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
J.P. Patches, the beloved Seattle television clown and public figure has been paid tribute in many ways, from days of celebration in his honor, to plaques from the charities and hospitals he so often gave his time and talents to, to action figures being made in his likeness, to this wonderful very lifelike and playful sculpture placed in tribute in the Fremont neighborhood in August of 2008. This is a detail of "Late for the Interurban" by sculpter Kevin Pettelle. As you might guess from the sculpture's title, it is situated just across Soltice Plaza from Waiting For the Interurban, which you saw yesterday. When I visited J.P. and Gertrude, there wasn't much sun above, despite the fact that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Groundhogs Day this week, predicting six more weeks of winter. But, with J.P., even amidst the gloomy gray skies and with only an iPhone to capture an image, things are always looking up!


  1. What a beautiful picture. I didn't know about J.P. Patches. It is a great image. Even with out the sun.

  2. Love your title, today!!!

    I can just hear JP saying that line, too! Let's hope the groundhog is wrong.

    Nice, Kim!

  3. J.P. Patches - A Hero of mine. What a wonderful picture!

  4. I am a groundhog, born on Feb. 2, and I didn't see my shadow that morning...mind you, the sun wasn't up yet.

    Anyway, I like this photo and the whole statue, which I discovered only on my last trip.

  5. Of course he saw his shadow with all those camera lights pointed at him. This is an excellent composition. I like the gray sky here...a blue one might have seemed...I don't know...sort of clownish.

  6. When I try to teach my students about point of view, I will use this one. Perfect Kim, as only you can do.


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