
Monday, March 29, 2010

Cherry Tree Bench

Cherry Tree Bench
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
The Yoshino cherry trees were dropping petals like pale pink snow in the breeze when I visited the University of Washington Humanities Quadrangle late in the afternoon. This bench was a great place to sit in the quiet and watch people strolling, talking photos, and enjoying the afternoon sunbreak on the lawn beneath the gnarled bows

This evening is the start of the eight days of Passover observance, and I am wishing all who celebrate it a lovely week.


  1. Oh Kim, it's way too long since I've visited! And I see you've redecorated. :) I love the perspective here, and wish I could transplant the bench AND the cherry blossoms to my yard. So pretty.

  2. Such wonderful detail in history. Great shot.

  3. It's a lovely, ornately carved bench. I particularly like the leaves around the upper edge,

  4. Gorgeous. Colors, textures, leaves, everything.

  5. Kim, I don't comment as often as I visit, but I just want to say, you dod your city proud. I am sometime amazed at how much you get around all over Seattle.

  6. What fine detailing on that bench; altogether a very evocative and comforting image, Kim!

  7. I think that's a Tudor rose on the side of the bench. Love the gauzy veil of the cherry blossoms in the background.

  8. Thanks very much for your very kind comments, and for visiting Seattle so frequently. I know how hard it can be to get time to stop in to comment, so it's really special that you do.

    Carolyn, it's actually a dogwood blossom on the bench (one petal shy of a formal Tudor rose). The post title refers to the quad cherry trees, which this bench sits among. Hey, are you a quilter by any chance?

  9. What a beautiful blurred background to accent the bench!


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