
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hop on Pop's Bike

Hop on Pop's Bike
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
. . .but still pedal for yourself. In view of UW, father and son take a bike ride in the sun. Younger riders who have trouble keeping up on family rides enjoy these third wheel tandem folding attachments. Good helmet and fit are a must, more info here.


  1. I often had to tell my children: Stop! You must not hop on Pop! But nobody's bicycle was this sophisticated. It's a funny picture. The father pays close attention to the road ahead while the child seems to stare at his hands in fear of falling off.

  2. Very cute. I've never seen a bike like that. PS: I thought there might be a Dr Seuss poem here! ;o)

  3. This bike is a first for me. The little boy looks like he wants to take over the controls.

  4. It's just about time to bring the family up to Seattle for a bike ride.

  5. I love the idea! I have never seen this in Barcelona...

  6. These bikes scare me! I'm just glad my cyclist hubby hasn't gotten any ideas about putting our daughter on one of those.

    WHat a great capture, though. Even though it makes my overprotective mommy heart do a flip flop.

  7. So that's an addition to the bike! Cool. I would have liked that, either as a young parent or a kid!

    Great photo; love the colors.

  8. Playful title, playful shot ( :

  9. This is so sweet! I've never seen anything like it but I think it's a great idea. Though not in Manila's streets, no way.

  10. Hi Kim I emailed you but was sent to fill out stuff which I did and then it said it was unable to process my message so......I am going to try to get to Seattle but if not please give a BIG HELLO to everyone. Thanks. MB

  11. we had one like this. The kids loved it, but they were so relaxed about it all that they kept twisting their body to see what was around them and shouted hello's and goodbye's to everyone we passed. As a result the parent in front kept shouting things like; sit still, use the pedals, we are about to enter a stopping point now so slow down.
    still, lot of fun most of the time :)

  12. That's a great photo Kim. I have a couple on my blog taken at the Bike Expo. Also check out Crucibulum at for other Bike Expo photos.

  13. That is one very cool family bike!

  14. Thanks so much for the kind comments and interest. I am surprised these 3rd wheel tandem attachments aren't more widely known. They are very common here on the US west coast, although not as common as enclosed bike trailors. . .I guess because they're most popular with 4-6 year olds, and unless there are several siblings in the family who will use it through the years, they have a limited time of use in each family.
    And thanks for mentioning the Bike Expo, Janet. I missed it, but spoke with someone who took photos of some performers who spun and did tricks on their standard bikes. It was held at the new Magnolia cruise ship dock and was very well attended.


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