
Monday, March 22, 2010

Mr. Wayne's Head Shot

Mr. Wayne's Head Shot
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
"Talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much."      ~John Wayne

I saw this sweater-wrapped head of the famous actor in the Ballard neighborhood. I guess they are keeping his throat warm so he can say his lines. :-) When I was a kid you could sail your little Sabot or El Toro centerboard park and recreation sailboat right past Mr. Wayne's living room picture window in Newport Beach and watch him watching television just like anyone's grandfather. :-)


  1. The Duke is a bit shorter in your photo, ha, ha. Great capture!

  2. This is a provocative composition. Nice work.

  3. Oh I live with a passionate John Wayne fan, how he would love that little Mr Wayne.

  4. Very nice shot. What Mr. Wayne would say to that...???

  5. Very amusing! Did you know that John Wayne was a distant great-grandson of a woman who was tried for witchcraft in Salem and acquitted? Little known fact. . .

  6. Bonjour Kim! I'd like that to go with my cowgirl boots! ;-)

    Versailles will be back in business tomorrow (well, today for you!) with two guest stars :-)

    Thank you again for the flowers, it was a terrible moment having to leave them in full bloom. I toyed with the idea of taking one tulip and one daffodil to dry them but then decided that I would ask the maid at the hotel if she wanted to take them home. Her smile just made my day!

  7. Time has certainly compressed the poor cowboy's spine -:))

  8. Love the shot AND the quotation!

  9. Hah! This is great. I think I generally take Mr. Wayne's advice. Especially as I get older.


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