
Friday, April 23, 2010

Carkeek Beach

Carkeek Beach
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
On sunny evenings it is fun to head to one of Seattle's treasures, beautiful Carkeek Park, and have a picnic supper, play on the salmon slide, watch the eagles, listen for the trains, and walk down to the beach. This is a view south from the pedestrian bridge over the tracks. The cove is north beach past which is Golden Gardens on the point and on the hill are the Ballard neighborhood's Sunset Hill, Loyal Heights, Olympic View and Blue Ridge areas. I took this shot using the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone.


  1. I like what you did to this picture! And I love this park!

  2. Very nostalgic.. makes my heart miss my Dad.... in a good way.

  3. A very nifty effect. It seems to make me look just a little bit longer and a little more carefully.

  4. That is a nifty application! I could imagine you finding this tucked into the back of an old wardrobe in the attic. Have a beautiful weekend, Kim!

  5. You always get so artistic iphone photos!:-)


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