
Friday, April 02, 2010

West Seattle Run

West Seattle Run
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
This is a residential street view looking north from West Seattle across Elliott Bay to Magnolia. As we head into a significant weekend for many folks around the world celebrating Passover and Easter, I hope it is a wonderful weekend for you, your friends and family.
To see what skies all over are looking like this Skywatch Friday, click the link to see thumbnails for hundreds of beautiful shots.


  1. That incline would make for a great workout, with a lovely view as good reward. Have a beautiful and peaceful weekend, Kim!

  2. Here's wishing the same for you!

  3. I like the view , but I thought the weather said it was going to becold there today . . . really I would use the excuse!

  4. Wonderful shot. Amazing view. Great, Kim! I wish you Happy Easter!

  5. It looks like a fine morning for a run - and what a good view to go with it.

  6. Nice day and place for a run. I love to visit Seattle when I can. - Margy

  7. I love Seattle! And this is such a gorgeous photo showing off the city in all its glory - even it's potential for physical fitness!

    Thanks so much for stopping by The Villages DP and for your nice comment.

  8. West Seattle seems like its own little village. You can see the rest of the city from much of it but in a way it's very isolated. Very nice neighborhood feel here.

    Thanks for your comment today. I'm happy with the way that one turned out, almost like an etching. I wish I could say that's what I intended when I was fiddling with it in Photoshop.

  9. Whew !!! And she's running up hill!!

  10. Happy Easter to you, Kim. Hope it's more down than up hill!

  11. You don't show suburbia very often. I'm enjoying this. Although the shot may not be your most creative ever (but I love the runner's position in relation to the scene) it really gives me an idea of what the area is like.

  12. Lovely. Photos always make me miss the States tremendously. What another great shot. Me, in Holland, we have the same clouds filled with rain!!


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