
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Bridge Series #7: Westlake Pedestrian Bridge

Sunday Bridge Series #7: Westlake Pedestrian Bridge
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
I've often noticed this graceful suspension pedestrian bridge that spans busy Westlake Avenue from a busy lakeside marina to a steep uphill residential and commercial development. In this top view I'm looking east across Lake Union to East Lake and Capitol Hill. For several more views and to see the whole bridge, visit my More Seattle Stuff page here.
You can visit all of Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges participants here.


  1. Very nice shot!! Was it early, cold, or...? No one there.

    I like Louis' bridge meme. It makes me really look for bridges, and aside from the classic ones here, there aren't too many, so I'll have to get thinking.

  2. Ahhhhh wonderful shot, a lovely bridge in architectural terms and such a blue sky!

  3. P.S.: thank you for the compliments re. Mother's Day. I'll look forward to seeing yours! ;-)

  4. This is such an enticing view.

  5. A suspension pedestrian bridge — never heard of any before and it's lovely! And what an amazing view!

  6. Good one, Kim! «Louis» has seen this when he's visited Seattle, but has never been on it.

    hee hee
    The word verification is "uproleur". Is that French for S*** Disturber?!

  7. Excellent choice, Kim. I like the idea of pedestrain bridges. It is very elegant.

    Fir Island is mostly farmland now but that is where I usually get my pics of the Snow Geese in winter and Eagles too. Search Fir Island skaget Cnt Wa. and you will find it has an interesting history. MB

  8. And just for pedestrians? Very nice!

  9. A lovely bridge and a wonderful view...

  10. Nice, Kim. I had to struggle a moment when I saw the photo ... driven-ridden under this countless times ... never gave it much thought, though. Very photogenic.

  11. This is a really great shot of a very cool looking bridge. I like it a lot.

  12. Great composition of images. Love it thanks!

  13. Always nice to see pedestrian bridges that are more than just pedestrian bridges. Looks similar to the two Ohio & Erie Canal towpath pedestrian bridges we have in Valley View, OH.

  14. It seems pedestrians are more welcome in Seattle than in other places.

  15. I've really enjoyed your blog! I'm looking forward to following it! Great Photos!


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