
Friday, June 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Impatient

Skywatch Friday:  Impatient
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
That's what a lot of folks seem to be feeling as the June gloom continues off and on, mostly on. July 5th can usually be counted on as the beginning of high summer and unabated clear blue skies. Perhaps you'll see blue skies, tangerine, lavender, or golden skies in other cities around the globe when you visit Skywatch Friday.


  1. The red t-shirts against the dark background certainly is eye-catching. Our weataher, too, has been wet, moist, and unpleasant during June so far. Waiting for the sun!!

  2. It's so monochrome in Seattle... ;)

    No, it's a great work. Like the red accent in this shot.

  3. Did you do an effect on this photo or was it naturally monochrome except the colorful shirts?

    I like it!

  4. Marvelous image. You really know how to spin something glorious out of gray.

  5. That's a dramatic photo, what with the clouds and the story in the backs of the couple.

  6. I like what you did to this, but even if you hadn't altered the photo, it would still be dramatic. Very nice.

  7. I don't know how you did this but it is perfect. MB

  8. I'm inland from you about 400 miles but I gaurantee 5 July will be sunny and hot. Why? My daughter's best friend is getting married that day - outside. She is talking about rigging up a fan up her skirt. The clouds make for interesting photos, though.

  9. I like the way you've processed this photo! The red really pops out!

  10. Oh ya, those red t-s against the ominous sky. Makes it!

  11. Wow! This is a really beautiful picture!

  12. I think you've really captured it beautifully with the words that you wrote to go along with this photo.

  13. Dramatic scene made that much more interesting by the wink of color.

  14. This is so effective with the red against the rest. If it's any consolation, here in the south of France we've got gloom too. The odd blue sky when it's glorious and then back to June gloom.

    Thanks for your concern over the flooding, Kim. We simply had a very rainy night but about an hour and a half away, that's where the flooding took place with over 25 people losing their lives and nearly 30 horses too. All too tragic and sad.

  15. I love this image - Love the red against the sepia tone! Wonderful processing!


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