
Monday, June 14, 2010


Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
"I shall miss this day when it rolls on by. . . don't it make you wanna stay, stay, stay, stay, stay for awhile!" Oh well. It was an amazing taste of warmth and clear skies over the weekend. The outlook was fine at Betty Bowen. We sat in stunned silence while coming to with our morning coffee. Now it is back to cooler temps and off and on sun and rain for a couple days.


  1. It looks like a great day. The outlook is amazing. Perfect with an excellent coffee and all the sounds around you... Great shot, Kim.

  2. We had rain. Lots of rain. Thunder and lightening too. Of course we don't have a nice spot, like this, to look at the sea but if we get up on a stepladder we can see cornfields a-growing.

  3. What a perfect moment captured. You've figured out how to make such moments 'stay'....with your wonderful images. Thank you, Kim, for your wise, witty, and thoughtful comments; finding a note from you always delights me.

  4. What a nice place to relax and enjoy the view. I especially like to see benches that are actually used! And these look so nice in a semi-circle.

  5. I love that very spot. Thanks for the reminder! Great Monday to you ~

  6. Indeed, the water calls you to stay a while.

    BTW - the new page layout loads MUCH faster than the previous one.


  7. Great shot. Yes we had a taste of what Summer could be like. Well one day of it anyway.

    The blondie girl in my mosaic is as you say Miss K and the one in the lower right is her Mom, my daughter. I didn't ride I was designated picture taker. LOL
    Saturday was a perfect day and as you know Sunday was just gray and OK. MB

  8. Great photo! Nice touch adding DMB video. Love DMB!!

  9. Seriously, I'm pretty sure this same view exists up here in Vancouver as well! Great capture!!


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