
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Bridge Series #11: Deception Pass Bridge

Sunday Bridge Series #11:  Deception Pass Bridge
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
It was a miserably gray day when I visited Deception Pass and its well traveled bridges that connect the north end of Whidbey Island to Pass Island and then the mainland. I had a ticket to ride on a boat underneath, but will go back on a sunnier day. This is the view under the DP bridge looking north. I liked the grid work pattern. The smaller shot is from the other side looking south from Pass Island while a big logging truck lumbers across. You can see dozens of other bridges at Louis la Vache's Sunday Bridge Series, and you can post your own bridge shot, too. Join us!


  1. Fantastic contribution to Sunday Bridges, Kim!

    «Louis» really likes the gridwork in the first image, too.
    The second image gives context.

  2. That's really an amazing shot. Wow!

  3. Complicated, or so it seems! Excellent post for today.

  4. So splendid! Very structural and very unusually photographed.

  5. Absolutely love that top shot!

  6. a very interesting perspective.:p

    thanks for visiting my Railroad Bridge post. i would surely look you up the next time i'm in Seattle.:p

  7. That's an awesome shot of the steel girders, Kim! The view from upside looks fantastic too.

  8. Kim, this is stunning !!!!
    I love it : )


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