
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Truth of Cities

The Truth of Cities
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
I do a lot of walking through city streets, sometimes in daylight, often late at night, sometimes here in Seattle, sometimes in cities I'm visiting. I've taken a lot of images of alleys and out of the way areas. They are always very interesting to me. In downtown Seattle there has been a significant effort in recent years to clean up alleyscapes in commercial areas and handle refuse and recycling regularly and responsibly. A lot of Seattle's downtown alleys appear pretty spotless. That's not to say they smell great :-), but generally you can see your way through them from end to end and there's little to no exposed refuse. This shot of a gated and locked alleyway brought to mind the song lyric, "Seen alleys where they hide the truth of cities," and got me thinking about my own inward hiding places, locked up and out of sight where few venture to roam.


  1. Excellent shot, and insightful commentary...

  2. I really like the perspective on this photo. And your comments are also valid. It's good your city is making an effort though. We don't get so much in Jackson. Most communities here don't even offer curbside recycling.

  3. Great photo, great read. You're such an interesting person, Kim.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very astute of you! I love this (as I do all your pix!), but the perspective is brilliant. Such colorful garbage bins too; ours are all black or army green...I think! Now I'll have to start paying better attention!


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