
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Two Step

Two Step
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
I was honored that my photoblogging friends Maya and Janet asked me to take some shots as they took a big step and formally registered their domestic partnership in the state capital of Olympia. One of the brides is photo-shy of appearing on blogs (like me), so I thought this shot of their spiffy shoes as they took this step Friday on their road to domestic bliss would be fun. They have been in town to take care of a zillion details of permanently consolidating households before heading back to France where they have both lived and worked this past year. They met through our photoblog community (Maya's Seattle-based independent blog was listed in my sidebar and may be how Janet, also listed in my sidebar as a CDPBlog covering Washington, DC, found her. Whatever the details of how they met through photoblogging, these two talented photographers are very happy. When their friends say they met on the internet, they have to clarify. . .it wasn't a dating site, but their involvement in a community of friendly photobloggers from around the world that brought them together. How cool is that!


  1. Kim: Thank you so much for being a part of our special day! Among others, I love this photo and am using as my current profile picture on Facebook. I'm honored to be part of such a talented group of people. More especially, I'm grateful to have found Maya through this fabulous venue.

  2. SO cool, and such a great shot. :-)


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