
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Theme Day: Open Air Markets

Theme Day:  Open Air Markets
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
My favorite color is green. . .any shade. The lush greens, rhubarb, and beets displayed by an organic farmer at the Phinney Farmers Market looked beautiful to me. This Friday afternoon market in the Phinney Ridge neighborhood is just one of multiple farmer's markets in Seattle's neighborhoods, each held once a week, most open from May through October, but a couple of them year round. They are very well patronized and reflect the ever growing value of eating locally grown organic produce. To see open air markets around the world today, click here to view thumbnails for all City Daily Photo theme day participants.


  1. Wow! Look at all the goodies. Mmmmm!
    I wish I would have taken an in the stall of veggies shot but oh well.
    That first picture is of a box I picked up at a local farm in Stanwood. Klesick Family Farm. Nice family. MB

  2. Not so many colors but so many shades of green and red and some really gorgeous veggies!

  3. Your post today is indeed lush and green. Great perspective, also. I'm green with envy when cities can display their wares all year round whereas ours in St. Paul usually remains vital until the waning days of summer. Those vendors who are at the market throughout the year are hardy folks, even if the schedule is limited.
    Thanks for your kind comments on my posts today! Certainly do appreciate hearing from you.

  4. Ah, greens. Great to look at. Great to eat.

  5. Leafy green vegetables look gorgeous to me too. And delicious!

  6. Yum! My favorite color is dusty purple, but I love to eat green(s). Crispy photo!

  7. Now I might just want some green for breakfast! ;-)

  8. Yumm!!! Those salads look great!

  9. It's so good to see so many Farmer's Markets in America. The salads hee look wonderful. I've never seen that bluey-green one before.

  10. Great post and great blog! I think Seattle is the best city in the world and has the best things to offer! I recently stumbled upon this blog that I found pretty funny in its reference to Seattle:

    Thanks for the blog! Seattle rocks!

    - Martha


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