
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Four People, Two Dogs. . . ?

Four People, Two Dogs. . . ?
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
These were such interesting Seattlites, a couple chatting on cellphones, others having a smoke, some walking their dogs, one locking up his bike, and others apparently just hanging out in front of the Uptown Blockbuster storefront, I just had to snap it. :-) So, have you gone on a Seattle haunted Market tour?


  1. Love it! Was looking for some 'ghosts' to add to a Halloween photo, but didn't come up with such good ones. Where did you get these...or are they for real? :)

  2. I saw this ghosts at flickr yesterday and here they are again. I wonder where they will turn up next?

  3. Great shot, I love all the movement in it. Plus the ghosts are just in time for "All Hallows Eve!".

  4. Very clever indeed, Kim, and I'm also impressed with the number of bloggers you have met!

    LONG MESSAGE: I'm quite frustrated; cannot access my email account, comment on any blogs that don't allow anonymous visitors, nor access my Visual St. Paul blog. Lost all my addresses. Fortunately I had scheduled posts 'til mid-November sometime (but can't add to them with an explanation) because of surgery. Don't have time to start a new email account nor blog, but I'll be back. If you care to contact me in the meantime, I can be reached with another acct., tho: (I hope that works!)Kate from Visual St. Paul.

  5. Kim how did you do this? It's absolutely fantastic! Just love the result. They link to the ghost tour is fun too. I'd love to go on that one day...


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