
Saturday, October 09, 2010

Street Shot Seattlites

Street Shot Seattlites
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
They all just intrigued me. So much so that even though the sharpness in this quick shot isn't what I would like, I still really liked looking at these folks gathered on a corner of Mercer Ave.


  1. Yes, the lack of sharp focus gives the viewer a sense of energy and motion.

  2. The combination of colors and patterns is great, and the people are so interesting. It's a neat photo.

  3. I love seeing photos of people just being ... people. I used to read a blog that she called Stranger a Day or something like that. She took it down eventually. She'd get on places like the NY subway and photograph faces. It was fascinating.


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