
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

West Seattle Mail Box

West Seattle Mail Box
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
A homeowner in West Seattle created this clever and whimsical ferry suround for their residential mailbox. It has seen a few seasons, like the Washington State Ferries themselves which travel back and forth in the distance in sight of this property.


  1. I bet it could double as a bird house, though the residents may not like it too much.

  2. Cool! What a funny mailbox. I also first thought of a bird house...

  3. Oh yes, this is how a mailbox should look.

  4. I think I prefer the weathered look. Nice capture.

  5. Very cool. Can't say that I've seen this before. I've always loved the green and white colors together. It's so Seattle.

  6. Fabulous follow-up to yesterday's post. I love that someone has gone to the trouble to create this - says a lot about how much they must love their home.

  7. tell the owner ill give him $50 for it. jk. i reeally like it though!

  8. Cute! We used to have a 'barn' box.


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