
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Paths We Did Not Know

Paths We Did Not Know
Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
I am thinking of all those affected by the earthquake in Japan and resulting wave action around the Pacific Rim. I am so sorry for the loss and destruction suffered by so many and am wishing the survivors comfort. I hope the aid coming from friends around the globe will convey our concern and very best wishes. I have experienced a 6.9 and 7.1 earthquake in which friends died. I can't imagine the exponential power of 8.9 with tsunamis. I am wishing our friends whose lives have been suddenly altered the very best as recovery begins.

A path leading down to the Sound beckoned me for a quiet walk on Whidbey Island. I thought of a favorite passage by Howard Thurman about the unknown that awaits us on our personal journeys and that's where I pulled the title for this image.


  1. Wow amazing shot! Really nice picture here! Lovee it :)

  2. A peaceful scene is a very good anecdote to the grim news we've heard and been watching re. the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. It also reminds me of John Lennon's lyrics: Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans.

    Life can indeed often be too cruel.

  3. My friend just turned me onto this blog. Great photographs! I look forward to viewing more of your work as the weather improves.

    One suggestion: the text descriptions are very difficult to read, as they are light gray on a white background. Any chance you can just make the text black? Much easier on the eyes.

    Regardless, great site. Keep up the good work!

  4. Beautiful colors, set off by the ocean.

  5. It's a beautiful scene and does make one contemplate the devastating loss that has occurred in Japan. Thanks for the link to the Red Cross.

  6. Your compassionate words and photo say it so well. Thank you.

  7. What a thoughtful post Kim. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    If you've experienced a high magnitude earthquake yourself I am sure you are even more sensitive to such dreadful events.
    My feelings join yours.

    (Adam makes a sound remark about the light gray writing on a white background. I had difficulty reading you too)

  8. A perfect image for this poignant post.


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