
Monday, March 21, 2011

Super Moon Over Seattle

Super Moon Over Seattle:  Handheld shot
Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
The March 2011 Perigree Moon on Saturday night, at just 356,577 km away, was the closest the moon has been to earth since 1993. I had been fighting a cold and dozed off in the early evening and missed the gigantic golden moon rise on the eastern horizon many of my photo friends captured on this beautiful spring evening. When I awoke a little after midnight I grabbed the camera and stepped out on the deck  to see what I could see. I tried a few handheld shots using a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens on a Canon 40D, settings at ISO 100, 1/640 second and spot metering off the moon's bright surface. This one came out the clearest. If I had bothered to retrieve the tripod from the trunk of the car the image might have been crisper. . .but hey, where's the challenge in THAT ;^).


  1. Another beautiful Super Moon Picture.

  2. You still got a great shot! I messed up on the ISO and the clouds came in before I could try again. Ah well... c'est la vie!

  3. Hey, I think I see the flag!

  4. Wow! Thanks for stepping out at midnight!

  5. Excellent. I found clouds and took some awful shots of those and deleted them all. No tripod?Yo'ure my kind of girl.

  6. Super shot, Kim. I didn't get a chance to go out and 'shoot the moon'!

    Finally found some free time to write a bit

  7. Magnificent and spectacular beauty!

  8. Oempfh! How I like this photo. Truly amazing. Cheers, Peter

  9. Great to read about the gigantic golden moon rise on the eastern horizon many,and also the picture is beautiful and outstanding,and also have some of the useful parts in it and the main thing is the process and the procedure which is awesome and absolutely brilliant,really the picture and the details you share,it gives a great help to understand about it.

  10. also without the tripod, fantastic image


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