
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hanging With Mom @ Work

Haning With Mom @ Work
Photo & Text © 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration, "pinning" on visual collections websites or republishing in any media.
This girl was winding up a long day of helping her mom arrange and sell flowers at a neighborhood farmers market. Her family grows those gorgious blooms and trucks them to market. Huge bouquets of fresh picked blooms range from $10 to $15. Do you remember yourself at this age, helping your parents?


  1. She doesn't look very happy about it. I don't blame her. I spent one day selling flowers at the Market once filling in for someone. It was not fun. My hands were dyed orange at the end of the day!

  2. I probably did some work in our greenhouses, but I don't remember much about it. I'm sure this girl is a bit tired, you should have asked her for a portrait, that would have made her day.

  3. I'd be delighted to carry home one of those bouquets and I bet she lights up like a star when she's interacting with customers.

  4. She probably wishes she was out with her girlfriends, shopping or something. Hope she knows what a wonderful job she has, to be surrounded by these cheerful and colorful flowers.
    Have a great day, Kim! Hope it's not too hot in Seattle. With humidity, Montreal may be as hot as 45 C. today! :S :S

  5. She doesn't look too happy! But those bouquets are a steal at that price.

    I'm back blogging now, I hope,, with some regularity. I have news...see my photos last week, beginning Tuesday....

  6. My folks didn't have a small business as this family does... but I remember many, many hours spent doing other things for the family... like hours weeding the vegetable garden so it would provide food for the winter... didn't like the work but I enjoyed the canned food... this girl looks a bit bored, sometimes chores are like that! ;-)


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