
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mitered Corners, Butted Ends

Mitered Corners, Butted Ends
Photo & Text © 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration, "pinning" on visual collections websites or republishing in any media.

This framed peek-through grill in a Seattle garden gate caught my attention as I walked by. I think the square of metal work might be a salvaged/reused find. Sometimes it is the small details like this that draw my attention. Once I noticed this, then the gate handle made from a found branch caught my eye (see my More Seattle Stuff page for a shot of the whole gate). The use of salvaged materials in an artful way reminded me of the hippie woodbutcher style cabins of the 70s "back to the land" movement, where whimsy, poverty, creativity and available materials dictated design possibilities. (Here's a photo of one of those charming dwellings that I've actually stayed in on the Mendocino coast. It was made entirely from one old growth log, using no power tools, nails, or hinges, and has built-in furniture like loft beds and desks.)


  1. I like it too... I have a whole Webshots album filled with 'porches, stairs and gate,' from Seattle and Tacoma...there is something so inviting about a unusual gate to see what's behind it!

  2. @ Madge: There are so many lovely scenes to be seen when we are out photowalking, eh. I've had people contact me about porch shots they've seen on SDP, wanting to glean ideas for their projects.

    @ Pike Place Photo, it's in the Queen Anne Hill neighborhood.


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