
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bouncy Patrol Ride Up Post Alley

Bouncy Ride Up Post Alley
Photo & Text © 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration, "pinning" on visual collections websites or republishing in any media.

Some bicycle police officers were heading up Post Alley. In my haste to nab a shot of them in motion, I stumbled a bit on the stone pavers and this was the result. No chance for another shot as they were hustling into the part of the alley that is covered and darker. Still made for a lively image; only the visages were changed to protect the innocent :-). I love the little detail of the rear spokes which, out of everything else in motion and jarred, seemed to turn out in focus for some odd reason.


  1. Ooooh, this is absolutely wonderful Kim. The movement, those bursts of colour - just adore it.

  2. I really like this one, too, Kim.

  3. Aahhh... a happy accidental shot! Love it!

  4. Just discovered you. Posting about you on our Facebook Page.

    Nice to see this page.

    - Eric (Admin of Seattleites)

  5. Lovely photos of Seattle. Nice to see the colors. Here are some of my own clicks of Seattle if you're interested

    Pictures clicked along the Water Front

  6. What a fun shot! Hope you didn't hit the pavement.
    I'm getting excited over the possible SKYPE next month.

  7. looks like a lucky accident to me, you can always claim that not everyone can get this kinda effect, :) lol

    DeWalt D51238K review

  8. Very cool pic...I can never get a good pic of bicycle cops here in NYC...they just never stop spraying me with mace long enough for me to get a good focus ! :P Cheers from NYC, cool blog..I see Virginia is here, love her pics too...small universe this blogging world :)

  9. Not posting much lately, are you? Taking a break?


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