
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall on 4th Street

Fall on 4th Street
Photo & Text © 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration, "pinning" on visual collections websites or republishing in any media.

This view down 4th Street is framed by the diamond lights that comprise the exterior walls of Seattle's spectacular Central Public Library. I was on the 10th floor looking through the glass wall, so that pedestrian in the crosswalk is looking pretty small from up here. You can see by the traffic that 4th is a one way street heading north. If one way streets confuse you, you'll probably want to let someone else drive you through Seattle's downtown core :-). For another view which shows the rooftop garden across the street and looks out to the King Street Station clock tower, check out my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. The way you captured the downtown traffic life in the "V" is terrific. Thanks for the link and the chance to see another view of the windows.

  2. Oh, Kim, Mr. Brattcat and I stood right there. I'm sending a hug of thanks to you.

  3. I recognized the library windows right away. Fantastic shot!

  4. Look at those beautiful fire like tips! What a great angle you've captured.

  5. Well as usual, you bring more to the table than most of us. This composition and so much more, knocked me out. I wish you were coming to LA next week. I would so love to hug your neck.

  6. What a wonderful view! Thanks! I love how all those cars are so neatly lined up waiting patiently for the light to change!!

  7. I love this shot!

    When I first saw it posted, I wanted to point out that it's 4th Avenue, but I decided I was being a nitpicker.

    Now, three days later, it's bugging me. It's 4th Avenue, not 4th Street.

    And it's still a terrific photo!


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