
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Faustine Hudson's New Photoblog

Faustine Hudson
Photo & Text © 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration, or republishing in any media.
You can tell by the ocarina she wears at the ready that she's a musician :-). This is Seattle drummer Faustine Hudson, currently on tour with pop band The Young Evils. She used to work where I do and I ran into her at a festival at the end of summer and snapped this portrait (and another you can see at More Seattle Stuff) while we were listening to the Moondoggies (for whom she and her band had opened the night before). Faustine is amazing and lives life artfully. I got an email this week with a heads up about a little photo diary she's keeping, The Daily Goat, and thought I'd give a shout out. Check it out for some cool views she's encountering in her musical travels.

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