
Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Creative Change

Creative Change
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration or republishing in any media.
I recently attended photographer Chuck Pefley's open studio. He is known to many of you from the photoblog he published, One A Day, Mostly Seattle. But, it wasn't his photography I went to see. This past year Chuck has re-channeled his artistic energies and retooled his studio to concentrate on glass work. He has been studying new techniques at Pratt and is making stunning lampwork beads which he offers for sale at his Pike Place Market stall and through his Etsy shop online (you can take a look at his wares by clicking on the link in my sidebar to the right or this link to his new bead blog, Torch & Glass, here). In this shot you see him working with a torch, mandrel, and some custom tools to craft colorful molten glass into very lovely jewelry.


  1. Creative indeed... I enjoyed his photography too... his blog has been idle for a long time... sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day...

  2. Cute shot of the old guy Kim. :-)

  3. Dear Wayne, I love you too, "Old Guy".

    Very nice indeed, Kim. I wondered if anybody would make use of the mirror on my work table, and you certainly did.

    Happy New Year, and thanks for the links!!

  4. Super shot. Love it when a blogger photographs a blogger and so well!
    I have a print of Chuck's of the Pike Mrkt flower stand that I bought a couple of years ago at the airport up there. I'll have to aquire some of his glasswork now.

  5. Wayne, oooo, you're brave. I see Chuck's responded. . . I put up a crane for you over the weekend, btw ;^)
    Tash, I've acquired a few lovely pieces and enjoy Chuck's sophisticated sense of color. Next time you are up here, contact me before hand so we can meet. -K

  6. PS, I took this with my iPhone. Hadn't anticipated a photoshoot, but whipped it out when I saw that mirror :-). -K


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