
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Honeycomb Mesh

Honeycomb Mesh
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, reproduction, alteration or republishing in any media.
Another perspective of surveying a scene from above today, but this time a warm and dry interior. I was standing in a hallway on the 3rd floor of the Seattle Central Library looking two floors down toward the living room and southeast entrance at the far left. There is nothing between the high gloss red floor and the view except a glass wall with a vertical curtain of galvanized metal hexagon mesh that has been corrugated to further strengthen it. The lack of railings and the ability to see through the materials makes for a great vantage point.


  1. beautiful capture of this excellent library.

  2. I think that might be vertigo inducing to me. It's a good thing that building is going on in Seattle, especially in this economy.

  3. I love the library too, and have often tried to get an interesting shot of it, but I always fail and the pictures are dull, dull, dull. How can such a nice picture of this fascinating building always elude me. You, on the other hand, have captured it.


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