
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Casting A Long Shadow Across Post Alley

Photos & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.

Hello from Seattle Daily Photo after a bit of a hiatus. Today I had the pleasure of meeting up with Bob & Carolyn Crowe of Saint Louis Daily Photo. They were in town for a professional conference and some R&R. We took in the Elles traveling exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum, currently on loan from le Centre Pompidou in Paris. Very fun to see them both. I'm a big fan of SLDP. I had missed meeting Bob by just a few feet the last time he was in Seattle. We had both been at the Kerry Park overlook at the same time, but didn't know each other. It was after we both posted shots taken from the same place at the same time that we realized we were probably standing just a few feet apart. So, seeing them both today was a real treat. No photography was allowed in the gallery we were in, so no shots of them or the wonderful art we saw together. I took this late afternoon shot with my iPhone from a Union Street overlook into Post Alley just a half block from the museum. And, yes, you've seen many shots of or from Post Alley here before on SDP, and can click here to see 20 of them. :-)


  1. welcome back, kim. lucky bob and carolyn to spend the day with you. hope all is well.

  2. Happy for the return of a cyberfriend! Similarly, I think you and I rode the #2 bus together one day a year or so ago, but I was too shy to say anything, so I'm not really sure. But we didn't post photos or our trip. Actually, I think you did, but I just went home.

  3. Welcome back, Kim and thanks for visiting QDP. I'm glad you finally got to meet up with fellow CDPBers from SL.

    I like this post of the well captured "Post Alley"; the person adds a lot to this shot and if wasn't for the neon alley sign - I wonder how this would look in monochrome.

  4. I'm so glad you're back! I have checked in every once in a while, missing my daily fix of Seattle. I can't believe I checked in on the very day you returned! I hope we get to see more, but while I have the chance, thanks mucho for what you've done already!

  5. Welcome back. I like your Seattle photos. Greetings from Germany

  6. I echo Brattcat - lucky Bob and Carolyn. Love this photo - it reminds me of the style of a fabmous photographer but my brain isn't working and I can't dredge up his or her name. I love it tho - feels like a piece of theatre.


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