
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Seems Familiar

Fisher Plaza

Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All Rights Reserved. 

Perhaps this building seems familiar to you, and perhaps for more than one reason. This is the northwest elevation of the building complex called Fisher Plaza which sits between Broad Street and 5th Avenue along Denny Way. It houses several businesses, the largest being the ABC affiliate, KOMO 4 television. If you've visited the Space Needle before, this building would have featured prominently in the view as it is just steps away. You may have also seen the upper exterior of the round portion featured as the helipad of Seattle Grace Hospital in the long running television show Gray's Anatomy. The actual exteriors of the fictional hospital are filmed in Southern California, as is the show, but this building and other Seattle locations do come up now and again. Do you like to find filming locations you recognize from favorite movies and TV shows when you visit other cities?


  1. welcome back, missed you!
    (p.s. KOMO is ABC, not NBC.)

  2. Thanks James! Correction noted, too. :-)


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