
Friday, November 02, 2012

Steel & Sky

Steel & Sky by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
It's Skywatch Friday, a day most folks are very happy to be heading home from work and into their weekend. The George Washington (Aurora) Bridge offers super views to thousands of local commuters from the deck above and spans the northwestern portion of Lake Union where it joins the Lake Washington Ship Canal. It carries Hwy 99 (Aurora Blvd) from Queen Anne Hill to the Fremont neighborhood and serves as one of the main north/south arteries through Seattle. This is the view from the lake's shore looking northeast. Be sure to check out all the beautiful skies at Skywatch.


  1. What a powerful image!
    Happy Sky Watch Friday!
    Lea's menagerie

  2. Dramatic perspective of the arch under radiant blue skies!

  3. Very cool perspective and capture!

  4. What a fabulous POV here Kim.
    Bon weekend to you!

  5. A very different (and very beautiful) perspective from the similar but not-at-all-similar one a few days ago. They are both great.

  6. Love your perspective and what beautiful blue skies we did have for a while!! Have a great weekend, Kim!!

  7. Magnificent bridge and great capture!

  8. Superb composition with great colors!

    So dramatic and I think, powerful, is another word to describe this shot!

  9. Wonderful perspective - and the bluest sky!

  10. Thank you Skywatchers! It's nice to be back among you and looking up. I so enjoyed touring all the Skywatch Friday shots.


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