
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Bon Noël

Bon Noël by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
Joyeux Noël to SDP visitors wherever you might be celebrating it around the globe! The old Bon Marché building facade in downtown Seattle bears this simple Christmas greeting from the Pacific Northwest region of the USA. The Bon was founded in the 1889, but these decorative motifs on the 3rd and Pine building date from 1929. Last night we enjoyed the candlelit Christmas Eve lessons and carols service at our church which was also built in 1929. Below are photos from last night.



  1. Very nice shot of The Bon! My grandmother always said that the closer one lived to 4th and Pine, the better. I think she was thinking of Fredrick's though. I still miss it.

  2. Your grandmother's saying is fun. I remember shopping at the Bon when I was in college (and seeing the Christmas window displays!). Alas when we moved back up here and I told my neighbor I was heading to The Bon, she sighed and told me the news that it had become the Bon Macy's, and now just Macy's. I still hear people call it The Bon rather than Macy's.


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