
Monday, December 17, 2012

Entrepenurial Santa

Entrepenurial Santa by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
I spied this red suited, white bearded gentleman about a block away from the downtown Nordstom Santa Land (where there can be long lines to get photos taken with Santa). So, he's taking the opportunity to fill a niche market for quick street shots with Santa--you provide the camera and say cheese with him. No, he's not doing a karate move here a la Mr. Miyagi. He's actually offering candy canes to passers by and waving, "Ho, ho, ho."


  1. This looks like a miniature scene. So cute!
    Happy Holidays Kim!

  2. Did you talk to him? he says he is collecting money to help the homeless street youth. He said to me that he takes the kids down the street for a hot breakfast at MvDonalds. He said there is no weekend food services for them.


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