
Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's That Time of Year

Conversing by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
The Downtown Nordstrom Santa takes time to connect with a couple siblings that came to pay him a visit and have their photos snapped. I caught this shot as I passed by one evening. It's fun to watch these encounters from the sidewalk through the window. A few mornings later my daughter was doing just that with the little two year old she cares for. As they looked through the window a store representative came out and invited her to bring the child in to sit with Santa and have a photo snapped from her iPhone for free. I love Nordies for that kind of Christmas spirit. The two year old was thrilled and just beamed away from Santa's lap, and no pressure to get the commercial photos taken. You can see Santa was all about helping these brothers feel at ease and really listened to them.


  1. This reminds me to look at Bad Santa again.

  2. Photos that will be treasured for years...until the subjects become teens!

  3. I dislike word verification, esp because it's labelled as two words, rather than numbers and ONE group of real words.

  4. This is such a cute picture!
    It is so Norman Rockwell-y : )
    Seattle is one of my favorite cities to visit, and I enjoy learning more about it through your blog and photos!
    - Jennie in Montana


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