
Sunday, December 09, 2012

Models in Downtown Photoshoot

Models and Photoshoot by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2012 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
I literally took this while driving by, which I don't often do, but it was all too compelling not to whip the camera out the window while stopped for a light. The women were standing by while the photo crew reviewed the shots in camera. There were big lights and and reflectors set up and I think they were going to shoot some more. I expect we'll see them in a Nordies ad in near future.


  1. Quick on the trigger, Kim! Makes an interesting post.

  2. Yep, they're consumers, all right, and trying to promote more of it.

    One of my Seattle pictures won an award at our big year-end photo show and competition. See my Sunday post.

  3. Great spontaneous image, love this kind of photo sessions, lots of light and subjects to shot! Cheers


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