
Monday, January 20, 2014

Seattlite Monday #3

50s Flashback by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2014 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
His shirt says "Open" but the shop says "Closed." The guy with the pegged pants and pompadour taking a break in front of a cafe on Main Street in Edmonds could have stepped out of a scene in American Graffiti. This is #3 in a little Monday series featuring some candids of Seattlites in their environs. Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Day here in the States and I'm wishing American visitors a pleasant holiday. I will listen to his "I Have a Dream" speech today. Dr. King influenced so many and accomplished so much in his 39 short years. If he were still with us he would be 85 years old.


  1. From the Brooklyn of my youth, except for the car and the recycling bin.

  2. i like this! he looks pretty cool!


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