
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Begonia Dreams

Begonia Dreams by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2014 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
Bright hot pink begonias enjoy the steamy interior of the West Greenhouse behind the Conservatory at Volunteer Park on a cold winter day. This is a view most visitors don't see. This greenhouse forms the physical boundary between Lake View Cemetery and the main Conservatory buildings. Seattle's Volunteer Park Conservatory is 102 years old. It's plant collections are claimed to be more rich an varied than any other on the west coast. Below is a view of the Conservatory's front and the statue of Seward that stands in the circular drive.

Seward's Monument at the Conservatory


  1. I love the conservatory. I've been going there for over 60 years, first with my grandfather, who showed me how to gently touch the mimosa and watch it do its thing. I hope Seattle sees fit to continue funding this wonderful bit ofSeattle history, natural history, and so much more.

  2. It's good to hear you have a long history of enjoying this wonderful place! It looks like restoration of the east wing may begin in May.

  3. That comment was from me :-)

  4. It's the steam on the window that makes this photo. The flowers aren't quite there, perhaps just beyond reach.

    Don't know this place at all. Something to check out on my next visit.


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