
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Theme Day: Entry

Chinese Gate at Lunar New Year
Photo & Text © 2014 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
One the first of each month the Daily City Photo bloggers from around the globe participate in a theme day. Our February 1st theme is "Entry." This is the Chinese Gate that marks the entrance to Seattle's Chinatown in the International District. Today there will be many festivities here to celebrate Lunar New Year, the Year of the Horse. And, I notice the corner of King and 5th is sporting spiffy new duel language street signs. Click here to see other entries in other cities and countries in the "Entry" theme day.

Between the Two Towers


  1. A great interpretation of the "Entry" theme.

  2. Great idea for "entry!" Chinese gates like these can be so ornate and interesting!

  3. Grand entrance. Looks wonderful and colorful!

  4. Great capture!
    There's a very similar structure on the outskirts of Vienna. These places really know how to make a grand entrance.

  5. For a moment, I thought I had come to an oriental city blog... nice entry... into a New Year and an old district!


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