Thinking with great sadness of the hundreds of interrupted lives in Mumbai and Srinagar and the painful emptiness their families feel. Thinking also of the renewed feelings of vulnerability these bombings must have stirred up for the people of Madrid and other cities intimately acquainted with such violence. Longing for peace, love, understanding, and freedom from fear for all of us. (I photographed these chairs on the ground floor of the new main Seattle Library featured in Monday's post.)
c. 2006 Seattle Daily Photo
Great photo!
All i feel is that peace is getting further away from us...
on brighter side, the photo is well composed , like it!
Thanks Jonathan and Kris!
PS- every day, personally, do one small thing for peace (write a letter of concern, email government officials, work for reconcilliation within families, etc.)--this helps me not feel powerless in the face of the enomous challenges.
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