Lake Union is in the middle of the city of Seattle. To the west is Puget Sound, to the east is Lake Washington, and all of them are linked by a well-traveled shipping canal which includes locks and a salmon ladder. Boats aren't the only type of craft one commonly sees on the lake. Seaplanes are ever visible on the water and in the air. When I was in college here one of my roommates' dad took pity on the four of us poor starving students and treated us to dinner out at a restaurant on Lake Union's shoreline. As we were eating and enjoying the lovely view, a seaplane landed on the water and floated up to the restaurant's dock. An elegant couple emerged and came in to dine. You don't have to be well off or elegant to fly and land at Lake Union. This tour company on the east shore will take you up for sightseeing or even give you flying lessons. Seaplanes are one way people do business and get to and from the many the islands of the Sound.
c. 2006 Seattle Daily Photo
Great photo. The water is very appealing because here is 35+ centigrade.
Have a great weekend.
I don´t knot swimming, but I would get on one of those sea planes, with the risk of imagine that the seaplane will fall on an accident. USA has so many differents states and natural regions, you are lucky to be in seattle, surrounded of water.
Water is life.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for all your great comments on my site. I really like all your photos. this last one is great. I like how the water picks up the colors from the building-it's like the buildings above have all the chaos from the colors and structures and the water comes in and mixes it and soothes it out- and...you should do photo shots for food magazines-the food and drink photos look so inviting.
Jazzy- the heat was one of the reasons I posted this today. Hope you felt cooler!
Irredento- That is so true about water! I like the way you put that.
Heidi- My pleasure. Your site is great. Thanks so much for your kind remarks.
Louise- Me too! Glad you dropped by.
Louz- Yes, the ferries are still running strong. . .a wonderful way to get about, especially on hot days like this!
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