This is what you glimpsed near the top of yesterday's photo. For 4 blocks along Broadway on Capitol Hill you can follow the lovely tile trails on either side of the street to find 8 wonderful bronze sculptures embedded in the walkways. These eight different dance steps (pictured here is the Lindy Hop) are the work of artist Jack Mackie. In 1989 the city tore up the sidewalks on Broadway to put overhead wires underground. Mackie created these very popular, whimsical pieces to be included in the neighborhood "redux." Read more about the Rumba, Mombo, and other
Broadway Dance Steps by clicking the link.
Broadway+Seattle Broadway+Dance+Steps Jack+Mackie Mackie+Dance+Steps Seattle+Sidewalk+Art Seattle+Public+Art Dance+Steps Seattle+Dance+Steps Broadway+tile
Hey, that's Michael's line! Oh well. He doesn't get to visit from Paris here very much, so you can use it, Chad. ;^) thanks,
Well, we missed each other's childhood but we can make up for lost time NOW! Thanks Kim, mutual is feeling as my Dad always says! LOL! And you just have the COOLEST (credit to Michael, LOL!) stuff on your sidewalks...I should start looking down more often...I'm afraid I won't find much more than ABC gum & the occasional dog turd tho! Great post! ;-)
What an awesome street sculpture.
Very interesting! I've never seen this before. Great post Kim!
Truly amusing these shot!
un rain dog de plus, cette photo est superbe et surprenante.
Thank you for your kind comments! And Olivier, what is a rain dog? I've heard of sun dogs. . . . So nice of each of you to visit and leave a comment. It is much appreciated. This one is dedicated to my dear dance partner.
Very creative and REALLY COOL. I love it. Do you know what dance it is? If 1, 2, 3, 1,2,3 -- Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow, is Rumba, what is this step pattern? Tango? Have you seen people dancing on it?
What a great idea.. you can dance down the street now.
did u try the steps, kim?
i was imagining in my mind :)
I visited this part of Seattle years ago and danced on these very footprints! It was great to stumble onto them again on your blog!
...and stumble is the appropriate word, believe me!
What a greaet idea. (But why do women have to wear tiny heels all the time?)
Cool pics, but this is actually incorrect - I first encountered these my senior year of high school - 1984. So, they're at least that old.
I stand by my source for their installation as part of the sidewalk remodel, the artist himself. Perhaps he created a set or more earlier or they were re-installed with the project, but the year noted is from an interview with the artist.
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