Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
I often pass this colorful, whimsical Capitol Hill tile work bus shelter. It looks like something Mondrian and Matisse might have collaborated on. It certainly brightens up the streetscape, especially on gray days. The King County Metro service has a program for citizen volunteers to create bus shelter art, and has also commissioned artists to design shelters. I suspect this is one of the latter, although I can find no information specifically about it.
Please click here to vote for Seattle Daily Photo in Metroblogging Seattle's 2008 blog tournament --this link has been updated; the poll closes at 9 PM tonight.
I like the idea of letting artists create shelters and art for bus stops.
j'ai voté, mais tu sembles (malheureusement) avoir trop de retard.
J'aime beaucoup ce banc en mosaïque.
I voted, but you seem to have too much delay (unfortunately). I like this bench very much in mosaic.
Street art! (I've voted for you!)
Nice photo.
What a great way to brighten normally bland and austere locations.
I have never liked riding the bus, but I wouldn’t mind waiting for the bus at this stop.
What a great idea. MB
Lovely - it would cheer up the wait no end!
Thanks for your comment on Glasgow DP :)
What a great idea to create bus shelter art. I wish they'd do that in Oslo! So much better to have this to watch in the morning, than the boring shelters that are often tagged down.
Abe, yeah, it's a great program, and some of the stops are amazingly attractive. It also lets all ages get involved, as many school children participate as well.
Olivier, merci beaucoup de voter pour moi. C'était très gentil et je l'apprécie. Je suis heureux que vous ayez aimé le travail d'art à cet arrêt. Je ne me souviens pas de voir une photo d'un arrêt dans Evry. Ce serait amusant pour voir!
Alice, many thanks!
Ken, thank you. Yes, the variety of art at these stops is really nice to see.
Marcel, It is a cheerful spot. I'm wondering if those skate clips would be annoying, though. ;^)
MB, I don't know who thinks up all the ways Seattlites can enjoy public art, but it's a pleasant part of city life.
Jackie, my pleasure. I hope folks will visit your Glasgow site to enjoy your great photography and all the unexpected things you capture with your lens.
Lothiane, sometimes I think cities that sell ads featured at bus stops are only asking for them to be defaced or tagged to death. San Francisco bus shelters were certainly that way when I lived there. It can be discouraging to sit in a dumpy shelter, eh?
Thanks so much for stopping to comment everyone!
That certainly is a lot better looking than my bus stop!
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