Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Seattle's shopping district spans several very walkable blocks of downtown. I have learned to bike or use public transit to keep an outing here pleasant and affordable when I need to look for something. On street parking is challenging to find, and the one way streets and traffic could make visitors trying to find places tense. Garage and lot parking can be expensive. On the weekends several parking garages offer shoppers discounts, and it's always nice to go to downtown events with friends who work there and can park in the company garage.
Nice to see some downtowns are still viable. Ours lost everything about 20 years ago and is now largely abandoned.
Ah Seattle! My mother misses it so. She lived there most of her 92 years. She now lives in Langley on Whidbey Island. As she says it was her choice. she lives in her own house and I am off to visit her today. MB
Nice shot I love the rosy tint to it.
Low light photos like this are fun to take and view. Not always easy to do, especially if one has forgotten their tripod. So much to see here, I like all the lihts.
Every now and then blogger will take my comment away...just like it did to me when I had written you a long comment...don't know why it does that....so will say: great photo!
Ah, Pine Street. One of my favorites. Say, I just realized you had a sound track attached to your blog. I don't usually have the sound turned on. Nice touch -:)
actually I should have said 4th and Pine look north, just to be accurate. -:) The truffle bar was wonderful. Tully's has a drive-in and indoor seating as well across from the new parking area for the light rail system on Airport Way So. I happened to hit the place when i was the only customer in the store. Light was lovely raking the table. Couldn't resist ... ordering the truffle bar or making the picture! Mmmm!
So beautiful photo! The lighting looks perfect!
I like city lights like this a lot! this photo has a very nice warm athmosphere!
Abe, I've heard of the "doughnut" pattern of lots of once vibrant cities in middle America, where the center is dead and the lively periphery of suburban tracts and malls stands in stark contrast. I guess the western states are a lot younger and the phenomenon is not as common out here.
MB, hope your visit with your spry mom was great. What neighborhood was her home in here? Whidbey can be so very lovely.
Mo, thank you for your kind comment!
Dusty Lens, This was taken with a lens that doesn't particularly like low light situations, and I shot it hand held, so I really got lucky. I seldom go out after sunset without a tripod, but this was one time I hadn't planned on being there then. I've got tons to learn about night and evening shots.
Kuanyin, Blogger was doing that a lot yesterday. Happened to me three or four times. After the first time, I knew when the screen hesitated after clicking send to quickly copy what I had typed before it disappeared. Thank you for that long comment, though! It's the thought that counts :-) Thanks for stopping by!
Chuck, yes that is indeed Pine a block away, and I could've sworn I was standing at Pike and 6th when I took this shot. . .am I really at 4th? And, I can tell you are still savoring that truffle bar. You are going to cause a rush on that Tulley's and it won't be so deserted the next time you're in there ;^). Thanks for the info on it.
Iona, Thank you so much!
Zolt, Thanks. The lights of any downtown do seem to beckon.
Thank you to everyone for visiting SDP today!
This is a fantastic photo. Not many photos can take you places, but this certainly does. This reminds us of all the nights leading up to Christmas that we spent shopping in downtown Seattle. It's also amazing how all the signs, neon, and traffic lights are a bit in your face. In some ways overwhelming, but with the tint it almost mutes the experience. Thank you. Troy.
That's a great shot Kim!
Beautiful picture! I love the red traffic lights, I feel that it wouldn't have been so effective if they were green.
Beautiful picture! I love the red traffic lights, I feel that it wouldn't have been so effective if they were green.
Ah a lovely photo! My hubby and I miss going downtown for a bit to eat, a movie, and most importantly- people watching. As always, thanks for giving me a taste of "home." I almost feel like I was there.
Hello! Very nice pictures. I live in New York.
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