Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Like other hilly cities of its era, Seattle's many neighborhoods are full of staircases for pedestrians. Some are very prominent and broad like this one that leads up from the former Counterbalance street car stop at the top of Queen Anne's south slope. Others are tucked away, connecting upper and lower streets, utilized mainly by immediate neighbors. The woman in this shot is descending, but I saw two people carrying bags of groceries up this stairway yesterday evening. Why pay for a gym membership or an in home stair machine when your daily routines can keep you fit :-). A local architect, Thomas Horton, has documented one neighborhood's stairways and their histories, and has a wonderful Queen Anne Stairways Map available, in which these stairs appear.
Oooh, that's a steepie! Reminds me of one off of Fremont on the left when you go up; not sure what street it leads to, but it's narrow and steep. I like the person at the top (I think it's a person), who's yelling of thinking, "Hurry up--what's taking you so long?" Inspirational photo! As Pepe Le Pew would have said, "Le puff, le pant!"
Bibi, LOL! Pepe, of course, is right! I remember the long staircase that switchbacked down to the library from my campus residence up hill, and my penchant for checking out a LOT of books. "Le puff, le pant" indeed! Whew! :-)
When I first saw your picture I thought I know that stairway--but no it is one of many. I was thinking of Fremont also. Seattle--an interesting city--built on 7 hills. MB
Very Exorcist.
These types of things are probably why Seattle is rated one of the fittest cities in the country, and my lovely hometown of Vegas with its flatness and moving sidewalks is rated most likely place for you to catch diabetes.
Huff and puff and back to the bottom for me. Way too much work.
I totally agree about the no need for a gym. If only peoeple would give up the car to utilise what's around them, we would be fitter and certainly live in a cleaner enviroment. Your image is very inviting indeed.
I wish we had something like that near home. Would be my daily exercise :-)
Great pic! thanks
It may not be Montmarte, but it certainly looks like it!
"Louis" had forgotten about those stairs in Seattle.
This photo deserves a 5 like most of your photos do.
Thats a lot of stairs. A good work out too. I bet those skateboarders would love the rails on this one.
I'll wait for the funicular, thank you :)
We live on one of these in West Seattle (staircase leads down to California Avenue). In our case it gives us some distance from the noise and traffic of a busy street.
tu as bien raison, cet escalier vaut bien un abonnement dans une salle de gymnastique. Cela ressemble à Montmartre, surtout qu'en ce moment le funiculaire ne fonctionne pas (en travaux) et il faut donc monter les escaliers
you're quite right, the staircase is well worth a subscription to a gym. It looks like Montmartre, especially that this time the cable car does not (work) and should be climbing stairs
What a funny coincidence...I just put up a picture that is actually from Montmarte on the Death Dolls blog!
I love Seattle, but do not make it out as often as I'd like - Buzzard's Bay is quite a ways.... I appreciate your and Chuck's daily shots!
It looks so much like the Blaine steps on the North end of Capitol Hill. Those really work the gluts.
Kim, I love this photo. What a great old staircase.
Thank you to each of you for stopping by and leaving your kind comments. I had to laugh about Vegas and the funicular! Nice to hear about West Seattlites living near a staircase, and Wesa's note about one in Capitol Hill working the glutes! My friends used to prepare for climbs up Mt. Rainier by going up and down the stairs to Golden Gardens (300 ft.) wearing full packs and their hiking boots.
The stairs to Golden Gardens are a bitch to climb!!
Looks like Montmartre to me... and now I need to add Seattle to my list of cities to visit!
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