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Here in the USA it is Father's Day today. Wishing a Happy Father's Day to your father, and to you if you are a father. I loved seeing this dad out sailing in January with his boy in a boat he had made. He's just peeking at me from under the boom. I thought it fitting to post it as this is our first Father's Day without my husband, so we are getting down to the water near where we committed his ashes to the Sound last summer and having some fun with friends in the glorious sunshine. He always loved living by a large body of water, loved sailing, made sails in a sail loft for a time, often played his saxophone to the bay and the setting sun, and spent a lot of time with us messing about in boats. A great dad, greatly missed. Also thinking of my dad, brother, father-in-law, uncles, and dear friends, all great dad's and I'm so glad to have had their wonderful influence and love in my life.
A beautiful photo, sorry to learn that this is your 1st Father's Day without your husband. I really can't find the words...
This is a beautiful tribute, Kim.
I had the same reaction as Mo when I read your beautiful post, Kim. It's difficult to find the words to express one's emotion after reading it.
Your photos are really great.
Just reiterating what everyone else is saying. Thank you for your beautiful photos, and the thoughtful post.
I too had the same reaction as Mo. There are no words to express my grief. I am glad you made the best of the day and posted this wonderful photo.
I did not have a dad for most of the years I was growing up. So being a father has always been special to me, and being a grandfather is the best thing in the world!
Fantastic day to be out on Lake Union!!
Sounds like a lovely man. I hope you managed to celebrate the day in a nice way as a tribute to his memory.
Thank you for sharing the remembrance of your wonderful husband. Lovely tribute to a man who loved sailing.
Lovely shot for a lovely boat. And strong words. Thank you, Kim, and thoughts.
I am a lurker here - I don't even live in or near Seattle (I am on the East coast)! I wanted to comment to say that I always love your photos Kim, most of them remind me of my ultimate goal to relocate back to the West coast eventually. But I am also especially moved by your continued posting and eloquence in your posts despite (what I imagine) has been a rough year for you. It is truly inspirational. Happy Father's Day!
My first Father's day without my husbandalso, and it affected each of my children differently. Interesting to note.
Nice tribute, Kim. MB
That's a great Shot! Inspiring!
Kim, I had no idea about your husband. My sincere condolences. He sounds like a great man. I shall think of you when next I sail or pull out the old saxophone!
Thanks to your eloquence, I vow to make that SOON instead of putting it off any longer.
Great photo, as always. Innovative dad there, I recognize the sail material!
Beautiful post Kim. I know all our hearts were touched by it. God bless.
14 years ago this week, I lost my Dad after a two-year battle with a brain tumor as I was just finishing high school. We knew the end was near that Father's Day and that last one has stuck with me ever since. Like everyone says, time makes some things easier, but you still miss the good people in your life.
Your husband sounds like a good man, too. I'm glad for you that you have such positive memories of him. I hope your children carry those memories forever.
A nice tribute to your husband.
I am not very good with words,but my thoughts are with you.
I enjoy very much your pictures, and it's always a treat to stop by.
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