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I've seen cyclists around Seattle carry a lot of things before, but this was a first for me. Fixed Gear Boy here is toting a second bike. I'm guessing he either works at the bike shop up the trail and is taking some work home ;^) or he's just had a repair done to his second bike or made a new purchase. What do you think is going on?
Ah how the days slip away. . .this is my 702nd daily post.
Maybe thats his exercise bike?
Nice catch! Maybe it is the spare. Never know when you will need another bike.
I have no idea. The last time I saw two bikes and one rider the guy was steering both bikes but riding just the one.
wow! very cool picture. my guess is that your first or second instinct is correct. the one he is carrying is too old to be a new purchase. I second Lincoln's thoughts... why not just wheel it along side? Maybe this is the faster method.s
And to think that I always grimace when I carry my bike up and down my 3rd floor walkup appartment.
Bravo for your 702nd post!
Congratulations on your 702nd post!
No idea why he's carrying his bike, except that perhaps it doesn't wheel properly to wheel it beside him.
I adore bike photographs and here's we've two for the price of one! Love the photo. Goodness, you'd think it would be hard for him to balance, wouldn't you? Nice shot, as always, Kim.
Oh goodness, I forgot to congratulate you! 702 posts - that's some going. Well done, many congratulations on a great blog.
congratulations on your 702 post! Thanks for your concern - all is well with me, just a stressful period between two jobs :) Will return to CDP very soon...
If one bike is good for the earth, two must be better? :^P
Well that is definitely different. I have seen two people on one bike so maybe it is just a different version of double dinking lol.
Hobart Daily
Bicheno Daily
Congratulations, Kim. That's a bunch of dedication day after day. I should live so long :)
I'm betting on the repair theory.
"Louis", like Chuck, leans toward the repair theory.
Very interesting shot - it makes one pause and think.
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