Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
This is a typical summer dinner scene on Puget Sound. Warm balmy breeze, lovely sunset, a menu that features fresh seafood served in an open air dining area over the water. It could be one of any number of Seattle area restaurants, and it is an experience no Seattlite or visitor should forgo during these long evenings of absolute perfection. I took this shot at 9:20 PM, and it happens to be of Anthony's Home Port (a chain restaurant) at Shilshole Bay, taken from the deck next door at Ray's Boathouse restaurant (a stand alone establishment). If a restaurant is not in the budget, a picnic supper at nearby Golden Gardens, Sunset Hill Park, or a bit north at Carkeek Park, or further south along Magnolia Bluff, Discovery Park, or up at Queen Anne's Marshall Park is just fine, too. We've waited soooo long for these summer evenings. Just get out there! For 5 more views of this sunset, click my More Seattle Stuff page.
magnifique ces ombres 'chinoises' la lumiere est superbe
splendid these 'Chinese' shades. Light is superb
Hi, Kim! Bibi's back from vacation, and thanks you for all your comments. Photos of her and her husband's vacation will be posted soon, an unusual view of how a tiny Serbian traveler with them saw it all.... Stay tuned...I'll let you know when they're ready.
In the meantime, bravo to you for this stunning photo! Absolutely gorgeous.
I like how they're just floating in sunset color, no water, no mountains, no marina.
I had dinner at Ray's Boathouse once, and it's a great memory - salmon, chablis, and sunset.
Background color, shilouette, and composition are perfect. I really like it.
Ah, what a beautiful setting! Isn't this just the most gorgeous place on Earth this time of year?? (Granted, I can do without 90 degrees!) But views like this sure make you quickly forget about all the months of rain!
Shilshole Bay is a fine place to visit in Seattle!
"Louis" is buried deeper than his cowbell in a work project for the next several weeks. He will stop and visit, but may not stay long enough to 'sign the guest registry'.
Terrific shot! I also enjoyed all the beautiful additional photos. The long evenings & late sunsets do seem so enjoyable.
I have eaten at Rays many times. It has become a real icon of fine Seattle Dining and I’m glad to see it is still there after all these years. I have not eaten at Anthony’s but I have heard it is good food. I like the silhouettes!
All these shots are stunning. Stunning!
Your photos give me a deeper appreciation for my home here in the NW. I'm more of a country girl, but love to make the 45min trek to Seattle on occasion to get my "fix" of the city. lovely shots of the water and the sunset.
Ooo...i love ray's boathouse!
Just LOVE this. Another inspirational photograph.
Wow, it's the first word I uttered upon seeing this! Wow, Wow, Wow!!!
I am merely speechless!!!
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