Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
This is a detail of the front (west elevation) of Seattle's Municipal Court building. It sits just east of City Hall and North of the County Jail. The color panels remind me of the color of banana slugs, and since the water pool was dry, the traces of puddles looked like the slime left behind. I can hear a collective "Ew!" now. Well, let me redeem myself by pointing out that reflected in the window are portions of Smith Tower and City Hall. More shots here. Happy Friday everyone! MB of Small City Scenes in Stanwood up north of here says she's already got snow, and Seattle is expecting snow this weekend, so we Pacific Northwesters are in solidarity with you on the US east coast. Keep warm and look for crocus! :-)
This DOES look like a banana slug's been there! I actually like the colors, though. I found a postively huge banana slug at my mother's place once,and I think I have a photo somewhere....
I love your interpretation, both what your camera shows us and what you show us in your comments.
You've made something beautiful out of something a bit dodgy!
And we have sun--sort of--and a full view of the mountains, although I haven't checked in an hour or so.
Love the picture.
Off topic, but whenever I visit your site now, it pops up a Twitter log in panel (I have a twitter bar installed, but it doesn't come up on any other website). Did you maybe install a new widget that I haven't been able to locate? Just FYI.
Same as Wesa -but don't have account. Back to topic, eww... No sorry that isn't what I meant to say! Your photo is quite a little work of art! Have a great weekend, snow or no snow!
Thanks, Wesa! Didn't realize. I'll turn that off. -K.
Clever explanation of a cool shot. You know 'banana slugs' are the good slugs---they don't eat your plants--they are only scavengers. MB
BTW my word verification word is demented. Go figure. HA!
I love the way this pic is composed.
Hey... only noticed just now that Dubai is not listed in your CDP list. May be you should add a link to Dubai Photo Story?
Now I"m trying to overlook the slub/slim thing because I love the abstract of this photo and the color knocks me out! Stay warm. It's about 75 here today. Think I'll take my walk in shirtsleeves. Sorry, that was mean.
Love the title!! Great catch.
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