Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
Today is the American holiday celebrating the work, legacy, and philosophy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, a Christian minister who advocated peace in America's military and world affairs, and nonviolent action in the civil rights struggle of African Americans. This national holiday was establish in 1986, 18 years after King's assassination. That same year the King County Council passed a motion redesignating the namesake of King County (of which Seattle is a part) to commemorate MLK, rather than William Rufus DeVane King, a US Vice President under President Pierce, for whom the county had been originally named in 1852. This mural depicting the Reverend Dr. King is in Seattle's Central District and was painted by James Crespinel in 1995.
I only learned today through the French radio that today was a public holiday in celebration of the Reverend Dr. King - what a wonderful symbol. I hope his spirit stays alive and finds its way into people's hearts.
He was only 39 years old when he was killed.
So few people have accomplished so much in so little time for so many people.
What a wonderful mural. We sure could use him now.
Wow, this is an incredible work of art! MLK still continues to be a wonderful source of hope and inspiration for all Americans.
I never knew that about King County. Good for your civic leaders. I had never heard of William Rufus DeVane King, and I thought I was knowledgeable about US history and government
One of the greatest men in history. I watched Oprah being interviwed by Piers Morgan on CNN on MLK Day. As he said, both Oprah and Obama wouldn't be doing what they are doing without Dr. King and what he did before them.
My best buddy in Ohio always celebrates MLK day and has for years. I love that he has a day in his memory.
Nice ART.
I did not know that you have a MLK day, so now I have already learned something new.
Excellent post. Thank you Kim.
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