Photo & Text Copyright 2011 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
I took this while walking through Ravenna, a neighborhood named for the enormous canyon that runs through it. There are other bridges that span the ravine, but this is the loveliest. Built in 1913, this span has been closed to all but bicycle and pedestrian traffic since 1975. It is a great vantage point to view Ravenna Park which is always active with runners and walkers along its creek-side trails and staircases. You can view more bridges from all over at Louis la Vache's "Sunday Bridges" meme.
Nice design on this old bridge and the evergreen in the center appears to be supporting it... let's hope not.
Great that they did not tear it down but converted it to pedestrian traffic... love it!
Love the angle of looking up to the bridge. Thanks for the brief background, it was very interesting! I can't believe the bridge has been there that long.
I really like and angle and perspective of this photo. Great old bridge.
I love your button of the Space Needle with the cat. :)
Thanks Genie, Red Angel, & Debby!
Lucy, that pen and ink is by our fabulous Shell Sherree, and if you haven't visited her blog or her Etsy shop, click on the button with her name under my friend's art in the sidebar, or click on the kitty/needle. A lot of us in the CDPB community get a kick out of her work, and she often illustrates photo inspirations from Paris and Venice.
Good angle. Makes the ravine seem particularly deep, which maybe it is.
My kids used to share an apartment nearby when they were at UW and I have walked under (and on!) this bridge many times. Nice shot.
Carol, it is quite deep :-). Bibi, would be fun to walk this with you when next you are in town!
A very nice composition, Kim.
«Louis» apologizes that he wasn't able to visit your Sunday Bridges post until today.
He appreciates your contributions to the meme. ;-D
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