Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fiddle Dee Dee

Fiddle Dee Dee
Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
Seattle enjoyed snow flurries yesterday morning. I say enjoyed because it was all melted by 1 PM or so. Just enough fell to let kids frolic and make a snow ball or two, but with no real adverse effect on traffic and safety. I understand more is on its way tonight, but it is not expected to hang around long, either. These whimsical ceramic plant stakes adorn a small garden plot in the Eastlake P-Patch community garden.


Pat said...

Fiddling while snow falls!

Davine said...

These are so cute.

Stefan Jansson said...

That is a winter I could live with.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Nice composition, Kim... That's enough snow for me, brrrrr!


Jilly said...

Love these sculptures and so beautifully photographed with blurry DoF. Keep warm.

Halcyon said...

It has been unseasonably cold down here in the south too! Those little violins are cute. They look pretty against the snow.

Teresa said...

Very fun - they make me smile this morning!

Chuck Pefley said...

What fun! It's all in the details, no?

Wendy Lu said...

What a wonderful photo. These violins are beautiful, I wonder how they were made? I showed my sister (she's an avid violin player) these, and she thought that they were adorable too!



Dawning Inspiration said...

Love this.... as one who used to be a cellist... ;o)

Mary said...

I like it! Interesting.