
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coming In For a Landing

I was enjoying the beauty of the veggies and flowers at the P-Patch (yesterday's photo) when this little visitor zoomed into the frame. I had no idea until I looked at the photo that some types of bees have curved nose-like probosci ? or whatever it is termed. Its little face looks like something an animator would dream up. Not a great photo (I didn't have the camera on stop action) but I loved the little guy's energy! For fun, click on the photo to enlarge or here for a much closer look. It reminded me that Seattle has a very active and dedicated beekeeping community. Many folks keep hives in their backyards to aid in urban gardening and have a source of organic honey. I know nada de particular about bees, but you can find out a little something interesting about Seattle's bees and beekeepers here. Posted by Picasa


  1. Beekeeping is hard work, or so I've been told, but the product is great. I couldn't see the bee as clearly as I'd like, but the flowers are lovely.

  2. Nature going about her business despite us. Gotta love it.

  3. I would have swore it was a hummingbird if you'd not said bee... I've got to get to Seattle someday. I look forward to seeing more of Seattle from your lens (All I really know about it is Soundgarden/Nirvana and that it's where Austin's Ian Moore went...

  4. Oh wow...what a great shot!

    I love this, the bee just looks too kewl!

  5. What a face that little fellow has!!! :D


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