
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lewis & Clark

Last year there were Lewis and Clark expedition bicentennial celebrations and museum exhibits in Washington and Oregon. This huge lighted sign must have served its purpose and ended up in a junk yard I pass frequently. I often wonder what lies ahead where they are pointing. On my darker days this scene sometimes seems like a metaphor for the impending outcomes of the American experiment. But, enough of that. . .Quick, can you name all the (then future) US states the Lewis and Clark expedition passed through?

Seattle Daily Photo would like to welcome the newest members to the City Daily Photo family (now exceeding 140 members) and invites you to check them out by clicking on their links in the list below to the right: Santiago CHILE, Kyle TEXAS, Vantaa FINLAND, and a third Washinton DC photo blogger, John, who joins Jenni and Pasante in covering the city whose license plates read "Taxation Without Representation."Posted by Picasa


  1. It's a good photograph - nice composition and perspective and the colours work well. Interesting.

  2. Lewis and Clark.
    Thought you were talking about Superman untill I read the link.'
    Always learning :)

  3. Yeah, Nancee! You named all the states. Wouldn't that be a wonderful trip to take someday?

    And Dutchie, that's too funny. Pop culture link in the brain to LOIS Lane and CLARK Kent, eh?


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